Coffee &


January Update on Enforcement & Regulatory Changes, including PFAS in TRI reports and WOTUS

January 17, 2023

We kicked off our new look for our 2023 Coffee & Compliance series! In this webinar, we reviewed and shared trends from environmental enforcement activities and updating you all on regulatory changes and challenges.

Enforcement Analysis: We dived deep into EPA enforcement activity from the past month, including settlements for stormwater violations and waste disposal, including a new settlement requirements to use EPA online Environmental Justice screening tool to select disposal facilities. We also shared what the EPA’s 2022 Enforcement Report means for companies and how to think about compliance strategies for 2023.

Regulatory Updates: Waters of the US (WOTUS) was recently updated and in conjunction with the pending Supreme Court decision, gives companies another set of regulatory challenges to think through when laying out your 2023 strategy. Finally as a followup to our 2022 recap, we shared the latest developments on PFAS for TRI reporting and analytical tools.

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